libdatachannel is an open-source software library implementing WebRTC Data Channels, WebRTC Media Transport, and WebSockets. It is written in C++17 and offers C bindings. The source code is available under MPL 2.0, and the library is on AUR, Vcpkg, and FreeBSD Ports.

- Simple API inspired by the JavaScript API including WebSocket for signaling
- Minimal external dependencies (only OpenSSL or GnuTLS)
- Lightweight and way easier to compile and use than Google's reference library

- Compatible with browsers Firefox, Chromium, and Safari, and other WebRTC libraries (see webrtc-echoes)
- Licensed under MPL 2.0, meaning software with any license may use the library
- Community-maintained bindings available for Rust, Node.js, and Unity

- Support for POSIX platforms (including GNU/Linux, Android, FreeBSD, Apple macOS and iOS) and Microsoft Windows
- Support for GnuTLS, Mbed TLS, or OpenSSL as TLS backend
- Code using Data Channels and WebSockets may be compiled as-is to WebAssembly for browsers with datachannel-wasm